It's no secret that I love the Garter stitch. Not only because of the fond memories of being taught by a special person as a child, a memory I will hold dear to my heart, but it really just looks amazing to me! I have a few designs in mind in the near future that will feature the Garter Stitch so I want to take the opportunity to show you how I increase in my Garter stitch projects so that it cannot be seen on the right side of your work.

The increases will always be made on the wrong side as they are more visible from this side. In order to keep track of the right side and the wrong side in Garter Stitch when working flat, I usually place a distinctive marker on the right side of my work. When you start increasing you will be able to identify the right and wrong side, since the increases are visible on the wrong side. However, to play it safe while bingeing good old Netflix, a marker is always a good idea!

Here is the right side of the work where I have completed 2 full rows of increases only 2 stitches apart. The increases are nowhere to be seen, and if you have read any of my blog posts you are aware of my OCD and how particular I am! I could pick out a twisted stitch in a sea of Stockinette!!

increasing in garter stitch

In case you are drooling over your computer screen, the yarn that I am using is Biscotte Yarn in Albus, color way Chocolate. Albus is a combination of 50% Merino and 50% Silk....need I say more?? I could knit with this yarn FOREVER. It reminds me of my baby blanket that had a silk trim around the edges that I kept for wayyyyyy too long LOL I would rub the silk between my fingers.....YUP that's Albus. It's amazing!

Here on the wrong side of the work you can see these stitches that are kind of elongated. This is why they are best made on the wrong side.

increasing in garter stitch

Here's a short video showing how I make the increases.

As you can see, it's very easy. No need to complicate an uncomplicated stitch!


Step 1: Knit to where your pattern is telling you to increase.

Step 2: Insert the tip of your right hand needle into the stitch that is underneath the next stitch on your left hand needle.

Step 3: Simply knit into it!

A friend of mine whom I am teaching to knit brings a really good question to me regarding this increase. Is the next stitch on my needle (the one I have just knit under) to be counted as a whole new stitch or is it apart of the increased stitch whereas you do not count it as a new stitch. The next stitch on your needle is a new stitch. You increase under the stitch on your needle and then the stitch on your needle is a separate stitch, count it as 1 and then so on.

I hope you find this helpful and I would love to hear from you!! How do you increase in Garter Stitch??


