How to do the Increased Bind Off - Biscotte Yarns

How to do the Increased Bind Off

So.... have you ever knit a pair of socks and very excitedly cast them off, ready to wear ever so proudly, only to find that they are cutting off the circulation in your legs? That is if you can even pull them up!! I'm sure we've all been there a time or two. Well, I have the perfect bind off to get the circulation back in your legs!

I sometimes use a larger needle and knit the basic knit one and pass one over. And if you knit it loose enough sometimes it's fine. And I know there's tons of different stretchy bind offs circling around the internet, but I recently learned a new one and I really love it. It's called the Increased Bind off. And the best thing about it is you can customize it to how stretchy you need your project to be.

For example in my Easy Breezy Shawl pattern I used this bind off. I wanted the edge of my shawl to be able to stretch out quite a bit so that I could pull down little points around the shawl while it was on the board. It turned out so nice! So when I say you can customize it to be however stretchy you need it be I mean you can do this technique every stitch for very stretchy or every second or third stitch all depending on what you’re making.

This technique would be really good for socks, cuffs of sweaters, shawls or really any pattern that would instruct you to bind off loosely. It's very easy to do. Watch the video below as I'll be demonstrating the Increased Bind Off vs. the basic bind off so you can see the difference.

 As you can see it's very easy and creates such a neat and tidy edge. I've been using this one quite a bit recently and really like the results. In the picture below you can see the difference in them next to each other. On the top is Biscotte's Bis-sock In Rainbow with the Increased Bind Off on every stitch. Next is Lady Bug with the Increased Bind Off on every second stitch and lastly is Apple Hearts done with the basic bind off in knit one, pass one over. 

So, next time you’re pattern is telling you to bind off loosely do you think you’ll try this technique?