Sock yarn, self-striping yarn, yarn club, knitting patterns, Knitting designsBehind every knitter is a giant basket full of yarns, knitting designs, and needles. As the knitting industry grows, with crochet fashion styles and yarn crafts coming into trend, there’s no better time to indulge in this hobby. What was once reserved for retired grandmas is now a modern day trend every age is enjoying. However, as a beginner it can be hard to know where to start. So, allow this to be your beginners guide to everything you need to know about knitting.


The Amount of Yarn to Buy

It can be difficult to gauge how much yarn you need to buy for each knitting design, even if you’ve been knitting for years. Fortunately, all of the knitting designs on Biscotte Yarns tell you exactly what you need to create the masterpiece shown. In fact, each knitting pattern clearly describes the type and amount of yarn needed as well as the knitting needles required. So, all that’s left to do is channel your inner creativity and put your craft into action.

This is important Biscotte Yarns benefit. When knitting designs don’t come with information about the type and amount of yarn, it makes the entire creation process significantly harder. So, we make sure the only thing you have to do is weave. 

 Sock yarn, self-striping yarn, yarn club, knitting patterns, Knitting designs

Easiest Knitting Designs for Starters

Ask any knitter and they’ll tell you the easiest knitting designs to start with are hats and scarves. Whether it’s a patterned hat, ear warmers, headbands, long scarf, short scarf or something in between, this is where every beginner should perfect their craft.

Hats and scarves are typically round or straight, making them the easiest knitting designs out there. However, it’s important to stick with the most basic of styles because like everything in life, hats, and scarves can also be very complex depending on the specific style. In other words, a standard scarf is going to be much easier to make than a ruffle scarf. So, stick with the simple staples first.


The Different Types of Yarn

Not all yarns are created equally, and it’s important to know the materials you’ll be using within your knitting designs. While each knitting patterns available on Biscotte Yarns come with clear instructions, including the type of yarn to use, substitutions can often be made.

This is important information to have, especially if you’re knitting something for someone with sensitive skin, fabric allergies or a specific lifestyle. For example, it’s probably a bad idea to knit with animal-based fibers such as wool if you’ll be gifting your creation to someone who is vegan.

So, pay attention to the different types of yarn. Take the time to learn, feel and knit with several varieties, so you can understand each better. This will also allow you to easily implement substitutions as needed. 

 Sock yarn, self-striping yarn, yarn club, knitting patterns, Knitting designs

The Knack of Knitting Needles

Along with baskets overflowing of knitting yarn and tabletops covered with knitting designs, you’ll also see the industry also has just as many knitting needles to choose from. If you have no idea where to start, read the instructions provided with Biscotte Yarns knitting designs, as the specific needle you need to knit up each masterpiece is carefully described.

However, if you’re eager to purchase some knitting needles today, start with a medium size needle and medium yarn. These are the perfect and most comfortable size of knitting needles for beginners to weave up an incredible creation.


 As you perfect your knitting patterns and learn more about the knitting craft as a whole, you’ll be able to move onto more complex knitting designs and materials. However, to ensure a positive transition from amateur to expert, start slowly and focus in on the small details before heading into the next level. You should definitely join our Mystery Yarn Club, where we send unique yarns and knitting designs to you bimonthly. It’s like Christmas every other month. So, join today and start knitting.
