How Knitting can become an addiction, but a good one!

What better way is there to take your mind off of everyday routines than starting a hobby?  Life is stressful enough as it is and a good way to relieve this stress is by finding something you love to do in your spare time. Some will choose to do sports, play video games, play an instrument and the list goes on. We should all have something that we enjoy doing and I recommend that something to be knitting.

Knitting is a hobby not many people consider doing, especially the younger generations. Young people have the mentality that knitting is for old people (such as their grandmother) or they just simply lack the patience for it. But when you meet people involved in this hobby you notice one thing they all have in common, they are very passionate about it. Today the knitting world is filled with many bright colored yarns and amazing new patterns that make for excellent passion projects.

I am in my early 20's and I started knitting in January 2015. Like most outgoing young women my age I love to live life at a rapid pace. My mind tends to think about 3 different things at the same time and had no idea I would love to sit down and knit for hours on end. I am at the point now where I want to learn every new technique and knit every project I see. There are many people that are addicted to knitting, and like me, they will tell you that they cannot go a day without knitting... I like to know that some famous people knit and are proud of it!

Knitting is a part of me now and I am not ashamed of it. Call me crazy, but to me, it’s very therapeutic. It makes me feel very relaxed and all of life’s worries come to a pause. Since day one I have been very passionate about it. I knit happy or sad, rain or shine, and nothing seems to take me to my happy place like when I knit, not even shopping!

Knitting is just like a book, you can bring your yarn and needles wherever you go. It's something you can do traveling, at the beach or just lounging around the house watching TV. Personally, my knitting kit is always in my bag because I never know when I’m going to want to get my needles out and finish a row or two. I don’t see any bad sides to knitting and have had only positive things come to me because of it. So whether you aren’t a creative person or you think you just don’t have the patience for it, pick up knitting and give it a try. You never know if it will be your next new passion!

