If there is one thing that every sewer has left over after their latest sewing projects, it's scrap Use fabric scraps sewing ideasfabrics. No matter how precise your measurements are or how careful you are when purchasing only the amount of fabric you need for your latest craft ideas, fabric scraps are always left in a pile somewhere. Whether they’re in a pile sitting in your craft room or in a corner somewhere in your house, you've probably wondered a thousand times how you can use them. You don't want to throw them out because every sewer knows that all leftover or extra sewing supplies can be used in at least a project or two. However, you're stuck on craft ideas. 

Create Some Home Accents

Gather your fabric scraps, big and small because they can be used to create an abundance of home accents. Use your leftover fabrics and sew them together to make a huge pillow that reflects all the sewing projects you've done in the past. If you have a super overload of fabric scraps, sew them together to make a baby blanket for the new addition in the family or for someone in need. You can also leave the sewing machine alone and use your fabric scraps to freshen up a boring photo frame, or change up the look on your white walls by wrapping some fabrics around your light switch covers.  Whatever you do, your home is about to be accenting with your incredible sewing crafts.

Fabric Scrap Fashion

Your fabric scraps can also be turned into some fashionable sewing crafts, and there's no betterUse fabric scraps sewing idea way to make a statement of style with someone personalized and homemade. That's also not to mention that fashion sewing projects are a frugal alternative to purchasing something brand new. So, take your tiny scraps and sew them together to make a pendant. You may even find that you have a new talent making jewelry. You can also take those fabric scraps and use them to recreate a new style on an old pair of flip-flops. Change the actual base of the flip flops, or just wrap the straps with new fabric. Grab a large elastic and turn them into an adorable baby headband, or maybe even make one for yourself or the kids in your home. Speaking of which, making hair bows is an incredibly easy sewing project and perfect for the holiday season that is well upon us. You can also use your smallest scraps to make stylish bobby pins or a braided bracelet. The craft ideas are endless as you can see on ScrapStashtic Quilts Organizing Your Scrap Fabric Stash and ACTUALLY USING IT - by Janellea Macbeth.  You will find in this book awesome ideas that use your fabric scraps and turn them into incredible and new craft projects.

Sewing Projects for School Supplies

Use fabric scraps sewing ideasAnother way to save on costs is to create some school supply necessities with your old scraps. These are excellent craft ideas if you have little ones in the home, or want to donate to families that can't afford the consistently increasing costs of school supplies. Turn your fabric scraps into a new pencil case, or make one for yourself to store all of your craft supplies. One of the easiest sewing projects to make is a bookmark, and it puts your old fabrics to good use. It may even encourage the little ones to pick up a book and start reading. But of course, don’t forget to make some for yourself. A bookmark is always needed, and you will finally be able to stop folding the corners in your sewing project books. If you have an abundance of fabric scraps, sew them together and create a new binder cover or textbook cover. It'll be much more appealing than the brown paper or weird plastic covers.

As you can see, no matter how big or small your fabric scraps are, there are plenty of sewing projects that you can try your hand at. We invite you to visit our Pinterest board with patchwork, quilting and sewing inspirations below :

Abonnez-vous au tableau Inspiration patchwork & couture de Les Laines Biscotte Yarns sur Pinterest.


The best part is that many of these craft ideas can be donated to those in need!  So as a new year resolution, let's use our fabric scraps for good!
